GDR News, Giving Back
June 4, 2021
Holocaust survivor, Ernie Friedlander (pictured below) recalled the moment that left him shaking when racially vilified in Sydney.
‘WE BLEED THE SAME’ is a multimedia exhibition exploring racism and diversity in Australia.
Produced/curated by Liz Deep-Jones with leading photographer, Tim Bauer.
This exhibition features portraits of 36 incredible people from varied cultures, backgrounds and religion, including Dunghutti elder Leetona Dungay (son, David died in custody), Former Race Commissioner-Tim Soutphommasane, Stolen Generation survivor -Uncle Widdy, Larrakia man-Thomas Mayor, Deng Adut -Former child soldier, Former Swans star-Michael O’Loughlin, Rapper L-FRESH The LION, refugee-Thanush Selvarasa (8yrs locked up in indefinite detention), Benjamin Law, Swim (Burkini) Sisters-Yusra Metwally, Bryan Brown, Craig Foster, Kun Huang, 3Time World Boxing Champion/Lawyer-Lovemore Ndou and Midnight Oils’ Jim Moginie.
Elder Leetona Dungay
They share stories (some who have fled persecution, war) about their diverse cultures and experiences with racism in their home - Australia, ‘The lucky country’.
“Racism makes me feel like I’m less than human, makes me feel insignificant, like I’m not even there…
Today, I know that we need to stand up and be proud of who we are on our country and that cannot be ignored.”
Larrakia man, Thomas Mayor – Signatory to the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
The public are also involved, called upon via socials to send in their pics reflecting their culture and lifestyle in Australia. The pictures will be hung on an installation - the iconic Hills Hoist, reflecting Australia’s diversity. The installation will grow as we add pics of people from each new destination we exhibit the show, across Australia.
Former 3-Time World Boxing Champion Lawyer, Lovemore Ndou
‘We Bleed the Same’ opens on June 15 – June 27, 2021 at the Stirrup Gallery at Addison Rd Community Organisation, Marrickville. The exhibition will also feature at the Head On Photo Festival 2021 in Sydney in November, the Canberra Writers Festival in August & at the ANU Research School of Social Sciences, courtesy of the Freilich Project and regional galleries across the country and in 2022, the Being Human Photo Festival at the Turks Head Gallery in Albury.
Maryam El-Kiki
Interviews, photos and enquiries please contact Liz Deep-Jones.
Mobile: 0413 997 043