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Digital Marketing

Creating an effective digital marketing strategy is all about determining what is going to have the biggest impact on your business and optimal return on investment, and pairing this with a strong and focused content strategy.

Let’s face it, almost everything these days is done digitally, which is all the more reason to hop online and ‘digitise’ your marketing strategy. More often than not, success in business comes down to what your business does (or doesn’t do) in relation to marketing your company online. 


72% of consumers say they would rather connect with brands and businesses through an integrated marketing approach
(Source: Digital Marketing Institute)


Digital marketing is easily trackable and measurable, meaning you will always receive accurate analytics based on your digital marketing campaigns. This readily available information means that digital marketing strategies can be adjusted along the way to suit changing needs and audience response so that your campaign can be optimized. Finding a smart way to cut through the ‘noise’ in the digital marketing landscape can constantly result in a great return on investment and increased brand awareness and recognition, and that’s where GDR Media Group can help.


GDR Media Group – Your Digital Marketing Agency

An effective digital marketing strategy consists of a wide range of approaches spanning across various digital channels. Factors such as search engine optimisation, paid search advertising, and social media management all play a big part in your digital marketing strategy! You can find out more about how we can help with these services below.



What is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?

So you’ve got your all-singing, all-dancing website and are happy with how it looks? Great! However, this only half the story. SEO is the process of improving your website to better the organic search engine rankings of your web pages. Search engines such as Google have extensive algorithms in place to present users with content relevant to what they are searching for. By using various SEO techniques, your website can rank at the top of search results for various keywords that your target audience are searching for.


What are the benefits of using this service?

The benefits are endless. Being proficient in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is how your business can improve its organic website ranking on Google and grow online reach. Having a high organic website ranking on search engines makes it far easier for customers to find your business - increasing brand visibility and boosting website traffic.


SEO has 30x more traffic opportunity than Pay Per Click


How GDR will work with you:

GDR is here to take the reins and make this process as easy as possible for you. Many business owners feel powerless when it comes to improving their online ranking. They struggle with choosing a resource from the countless calls and email offers about SEO, making the selection process stressful and confusing. GDR will get inside the mind of your target audience to determine how they search for products and services offered by businesses just like yours.

CLICK HERE for local business SEO tips and tactics!



What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

SEM is one of many forms of digital advertising for your business. Whilst appealing and responsive website design and SEO benefit the organic traffic of your website, SEM uses paid traffic to bring users to your website. Search Engine Marketing is all pay per click. Pay per click (PPC) marketing and advertising services can all be hyper-targeted, so your ads are only served to the audiences that you want to target.


Have you ever seen Google’s suggested results at the top of search results? This is an example of targeted PPC ads through Google AdWords. Google AdWords is the frontrunner in generating paid search traffic. By nominating exact key words searched by your intended customers, and homing in on the areas your business operates in, Google AdWords can be ultra-specific in reaching and converting new customers for your business.


What are the benefits of using this service?

You can target audiences with incredible precision by using relevant, high intent keywords married with specific areas close to your business.


You pay as you go. Pay per click marketing is true to its name – you only pay per click!


All stages of the customer journey are tracked and reported. You can see where audiences are coming from and if they end up completing a purchase. You can pinpoint the exact stage where they click out of your website if they don’t complete a purchase, meaning campaigns can be reimagined and updated based on real feedback.


How GDR will work with you:

GDR Media Group ensures optimal return on investment for all its AdWords management and pay per click advertising campaigns. We track how your ads are performing at all stages, to make sure your money is being used in the right ways, and your ads are reaching the audiences that matter.



Social Media

71% of Australians are ACTIVE on social media – that’s 18 million people you could be reaching.

(Source: Yellow Social Media Report 2020)


What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media is a part of our daily lives and your business should embrace its power, especially when done correctly.

Social media is there to create deeper connections with your customers, establish brand loyalty and most importantly attract new prospects. Free to use with a strong social media strategy you will see your reach soar with paid marketing campaigns targeting those that need a gentle nudge. Social media is there to tell your story, generate leads and be the showcase for what your business is and why people should choose you!


Your social media strategy can cover many different channels and networks but we will always recommend the right one for you including: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.


What are the benefits of using this service?

Social media helps you to build authentic relationships with your customers. Drive engagement through showcasing exactly what you do whilst putting your brand centre stage.

Through dedication and a 360 strategy, you will build credibility that drives engagement and puts your brand at the top of news feeds. Target paid campaigns will help you reach new customers and build brand awareness.


Social media is a major lead generator, bringing in high volumes of traffic to your website. Social Media Marketing can also help with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) as search engines like Google largely take into consideration social media content.


Social media is a great feedback source, enabling customers to directly communicate with businesses – leading to improved customer service and brand trustworthiness.


How GDR will work with you:

Our in-house expertise will be there no matter what stage you are at. Whether that’s starting from scratch and deciding the best channels for you to forming a fleshed out content plan with trackable KPIs. We can work with you on all elements of social media marketing whilst adapting your tone of voice and style.


By implementing an all-inclusive and comprehensive social media marketing strategy, we can grow your audience and nurture your online brand presence to increase sales.


Display Advertising


What is Display Advertising?

From adverts you see on news sites, to banners on your favourite websites. Display advertising is used to target your audience based on what they’re searching, where they’re surfing and what they’re wanting.


What are the benefits of using this service?

Through data-driven audience targeting display advertising offers a targeted marketing solution when it comes to amplifying your message where your customer WILL see it. This will result in increased brand awareness and the ability to capture reach, impressions and clicks to understand if your ad is evoking the response you’re wanting.


How GDR will work with you:

As with all our marketing strategies the approach is the same. We’ll determine your audience, elevate your message using creative storytelling and execute your campaign constantly tracking its performance and ensuring the ROI it delivers meets your expectations.

GDR Media Group will work closely with your business to determine which digital marketing channels will be most effective for your business. We will create and implement a digital marketing strategy that connects your business with your target audience and gives your brand a great competitive advantage.


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Go to Who We Are

Media Group?

GDR have been the leading local area marketing experts for over 40 years.


Our in-depth understanding of local communities and the people who live in them means we’re able to deliver smarter marketing solutions that get your business real results, fast.


Our specialist teams go above and beyond to get you more return on your marketing spend (than anyone else).